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Directly Access “9 to Thrive with Navin” Episodes

  • Published On: May 26, 2022

    Dealt with the devastating news that she has stage 4 cancer, Cynthia Turo didn’t take that news sitting down. She talks with Navin about the journey she went through to overcome her most difficult chapter.
  • Published On: May 17, 2022

    In this episode, Navin talks about how to break away from the two S.A.D.s if you want to have your BEST human experience and not just survive life!
  • Published On: May 5, 2022

    In this episode Navin talks about how our thoughts are the most powerful tool we have to create the life we want.
  • Published On: April 21, 2022

    Leneé Cook-Braxton joins Navin to talk about her journey and the practice of hypnosis, looking within yourself, and optimum performance.
  • Published On: April 14, 2022

    Amanda Shaefer joins Navin to talk about the simple concept of gratitude that isn’t always easy in practice. Amanda walks us through some best practices and guidelines of how to practice gratitude.
  • Published On: March 31, 2022

    Debbie Craig, founder of Catalyst Consulting, joins us to talk about navigating change and finding the courage to confront parts of your life that need change.
  • Published On: March 24, 2022

    Joe Lemon, fellow podcaster and digital marketer, joins Navin to share a really interesting story behind the science of happiness and the advice he has for healthcare practitioners.
  • Published On: March 17, 2022

    Author, Producer, Speaker, and Composer, Barry Goldstein, joins this week to talk about how sound, music, and songs can help you unlock your full potential and thrive.
  • Published On: March 10, 2022

    Dr. Leif Hass, a family medicine doctor talks about how the way he treats people has evolved and why he’s writing prescriptions for happiness.
  • Published On: March 3, 2022

    Jinny Uppal, a Growth Strategist for Fortune 500 companies, joins Navin to talk about why inaction isn’t always a bad thing. She talks about the benefits of taking a step back and letting the mind wander to solve problems.

Discover how you can get that “aha” piece of advice to improve your life

…Without having to take extra time for it!

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Navin’s Book

Is Food Your Poison or Medicine?

This is a book for those who have tried everything to be healthy, fit, and pain-free, and still not seeing results! Dr. Navin Hettiarachchi Ph.D., DNM, the health, wellness, and performance expert to elite athletes and superstars, gives you fundamental knowledge and tips to have better health in just 8-weeks.

  • If you are interested in improving your health but don’t know where to start, or if you are confused, you are not alone. Most of the people that Dr. Navin comes across every day are that way. It very quickly became evident to Dr. Navin that most people seeking his nutritional advice are very interested in being healthy. However, they have no idea where to start or what to do. They are confused because of all the conflicting and ever-changing information on what to eat and what not to eat, and they have followed all the conventional doctors’ advice, health tips and tried all the diets with no long-lasting results.
  • Life for most people is a constant “hamster wheel” of body pains and aches, weight rollercoasters, bloating, illnesses, allergies, injuries, insomnia, anxieties, skin rashes, performance peaks, and plateaus, and it’s just a matter of degree for most everyone.
  • If you identify with any of these symptoms, the brutal truth is that you can no longer AFFORD to stay satisfied and complacent with where you are with your health and wellness…
  • This book was born out of necessity to help people like you, that Dr. Navin came across every day, that kept asking him basic questions on how they could improve their health. Dr. Navin found himself spending hours with each client and started noticing a recurring pattern. Most clients did not know the difference between foods that served them as their natural medicine and foods that poisoned them and made their current health worse! Even nutritionists were giving archaic or misleading advice to patients. This book was written to help you have the best health, wellness, and performance, so you live your BEST life.
  • Dr. Navin has had access to the latest and best nutrition information, science, and technology throughout his 20-year career. He takes this information and simplifies it so you could follow an 8-week plan that will help you achieve your health goals!
  • Use this book as your first step to empowering yourself with the right fundamental knowledge as to what foods are your medicine and poison. After reading this book and following the information therein for 8 weeks, you will be empowered with the knowledge to take charge of your health and live your best life!
  • Before you run a marathon, you need to be able to run around the block. Just like that, this is the basic food information you need to get started on your way to improving your health. When following the food specifications in this book, Dr. Navin’s clients have avoided surgeries, gotten off prescription drugs, lost their aches and pains that they have had for years, and some have even healed from surgeries in record time!
  • Dr. Navin gives you a list of foods to eat and drink (medicine) and not to eat and drink (poison) for the next 8 weeks. He also empowers you with what to look for when buying food so you can make smart choices with the food that you buy and eat every day to serve as your medicine. You can use this information to help you make informed and smart decisions in the future as you choose the food you eat. For example, did you know that while extra virgin olive oil is good for you, if you use it to cook, it becomes a toxin to your body?
  • This book is to help you start on your amazing health journey. Dr. Navin can’t wait to hear your success story, and be sure to share your story with others to motivate and help them reach their health goals as well.

Health Tips

  • Published On: March 27, 2023

    At first, the thought of abstaining from food for five days seemed daunting, and I felt a sense of apprehension and fear. I knew that it would not be an easy path with temptations and stimuli all around me for food cravings. However, as I was going through this journey, I realized that the ...

  • Published On: September 16, 2021

    Did you know that the upper body workout you are doing could be causing your pain. Look at this picture and see where you see bad posture that could cause potential injuries in the future. Enjoy!

  • Published On: July 19, 2021

    When you walk, you have one leg in front of the other. Just like that, swing and exaggerate the arms one at a time. The body is meant to “pump”, alternate and reach. We don’t do enough forward and overhead reaching. We have gotten our body onto poor patterns so we extend through our lumbar ...

  • Published On: July 19, 2021

    Why I love it: 1) Very efficient total body cardio workout 2) Upright vertical position so the body is not compressed 3) Enforces basic human fundamental movements (crawling in a vertical position) 4) No impact on the joints Must have equipment in any gym or home! Best of all, it takes so little space. Watch ...

  • Published On: July 19, 2021

    This is a great simple biohack to “Rest and Recover” your body. It’s all about the QUALITY OF YOUR RECOVERY that determines how well you improve your performance. When we workout, we are using our sympathetic nervous system to workout. We are in a state of flight or fight/alertness. When we are not working out, ...

  • Published On: July 19, 2021

    I’m using it today because I flew the whole day yesterday and my body just feels a little puffy. The benefits of @fireflyrecovery : Recover faster with increased blood flow Increase microcirculation Faster muscle recovery Decreased muscle soreness – post exercise Improve muscle performance Here’s a link where I talk more about recovery and performance ...

  • Published On: July 19, 2021

    This is called a Myer’s Cocktail IV. We hiked all day in Sedona and with the intense heat, we were feeling dehydrated and our skin looked parched. This was a great way to get some hydration “fuel” back into the body. Benefits: Hydrate your body Give your body necessary vitamins and nutrients Boost your energy ...

  • Published On: July 19, 2021

    Here’s a great exercise to increase ankle stability mobility and strength + unlock your body so you could use all your muscles for optimum performance! Press with your heel as you push off. Reach with the opposite arm and breath out. Watch Now

  • Published On: July 19, 2021

    Another type of Viagra! (With no harmful side effects!) When you breathe in through your nose you generate nitric oxide. When you breathe in through your mouth, you put the body in “fight or flight” mode where the body thinks you are in danger and gets ready with a stress response. This @somnifix strip forces ...

  • Published On: July 19, 2021

    I see people using plastic bottles to carry their drinks and food. These containers may say they are “BPA free”, it means nothing! That’s how plastic manufacturers get around the rules. These plastic products still contain BPF and BPS! Why are they bad for you? We ingest these in small amounts over time and the ...

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